Category Archives: Preventive Healthcare

Holiday Skin Care Tips

The holiday season can wreak havoc on your complexion! At Georgia Dermatology Center we can offer some holiday skin care tips on how to avoid those seasonal breakouts. This monthlong period known as “the holidays” are the perfect storm for bad skin ― not only because of food and alcohol, but also because of holiday travel, […]

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Skin Cancer Prevention Tips

Ultraviolet Light Skin cancer prevention is a vital part of protecting your health each day. This dangerous condition takes many years to develop requiring individuals to take precautions now to avoid complications later. Cancerous cells on the surface of skin tissue or underlying layers occur several years after extensive ultraviolet sunlight exposure. In the past, […]

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Vitamin D: Dietary Drama

Known as the sunshine vitamin yet widely overlooked when it comes to other sources, vitamin D is in more foods than people realize. In fact, until recently many believed that vitamin D could only be obtained by exposure to the sun. Nonetheless, vitamin D can be found in a variety of foods even vegetarian and […]

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