Category Archives: Dermatology Services Explained

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Considering Dropping a Few Pounds? Consider Velashape!

Want to shed those few extra pounds that refuse to disappear, had a baby, or just need to improve your body image? VelaShape, currently the only non-surgical medical device which is approved by the FDA for circumferential reduction, may be the right choice for you! VelaShape, efficiently and carefully curves, forms, and trims the body. […]

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Exilis Treatment: Tighten Your Skin For Summer

Are you trying to get your body ready for the summer? If so, then you should consider getting Exilis. Exilis is a skin tightening and fat reduction procedure that uses a device to deliver thermal energy to the deep layers of the skin. This procedure does not remove fat from the body, but it causes […]

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Skin Cancer Awareness Month: 5 Tips for Protecting Your Skin

You may love the golden-brown look of a tan, but prolonged exposure to the sun increases your risk of developing skin cancer. Skin protection is always important, but it is absolutely vital during the summer, when the sun’s rays are at their most powerful. Fortunately, you can still enjoy the great outdoors this season without […]

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Four Dry Skin Culprits

Dry skin is extremely common, especially during winter. Not only is it itchy and even painful in extreme cases, but it leaves your skin looking dull and aged. Instead of just enduring the winter itch, it’s time to start looking at what could be causing your dry skin in order to correct it.   Dry […]

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What Happens to Your Skin After 40

Changes in our skin happen in our 20s and 30s, but become more evident in our 40s. Those summers at the beach and the neighborhood pool are no longer just fond memories; but disdained wrinkles as well. As much as you wish you could deny it, the fact is that wrinkles, dryness, and loss of […]

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Winter Skincare Myths – Know how to care for your dry skin this season

To most of us, winter skincare means lathering on a thick coat of body butter and keeping a constant supply of lip balm handy; however you may not be doing as much as you think. Here are some common myths about how to care for your skin through the dry winter months. Myth #1: Using […]

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Strengthen Your Skin by Snacking On…

If you want good skin, your dermatologist can recommend a skincare plan that’s best for you. In the meantime, there are ways to nourish and improve your skin from the inside out. Science proves that certain nutrients help nourish the fibers that keep skin stretchy and healthy and prevent future damage. Here’s how to feed […]

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Exfoliating to Improve Skin Texture

Our skin is alive, shedding old cells and renewing them constantly. In fact, in the time it takes you to read this article, you will have lost 40,000 or more dead skin cells! And just as fast as we get rid of those skin cells, our body produces new ones to take their place. Judging […]

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Repair and Prepare: Transitioning Your Skin From Summer to Fall

All those afternoons at the pool may have done wonders for your tan, but the reality is that too much sun exposure only adds more difficulty to the uphill battle known as aging. You only live once, however, and whether you protected your skin while outdoors, or you’ve remained a sun-worshiper, modern skin procedures bring […]

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Be Done with Adult Acne!

You’re no longer sixteen anymore, but the pores on your face seem to think otherwise. If you suffer from more than the occasional breakout, (and it’s been at least a decade since attending your high school prom) chances are you’re frustrated and wondering why you are still dealing with acne as an adult. Why not […]

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