However, you have the power to sustain a youthful glow. Here are seven ways to preserve the health of your skin.
Skin aging is partly caused by the breakdown of collagen, a protein that makes skin firm and pliant. Ultraviolet rays in sunlight speed collagen destruction. Signs of aging include:
Ultraviolet light also causes three common skin cancers and growths with malignant potential.
Skin regions most prone to cancerous growths are those unprotected by clothing – your forehead, nose, ears, face, neck, scalp, hands, arms, shoulders, chest, and back. Squamous cell carcinoma also develops on the lips and legs.
Melanoma results from a combination of sun damage, genetics, ethnicity, and skin type. You’re most susceptible to melanoma if you have fair skin. Common sites in men are the back, trunk, neck, and head. In women, melanoma often occurs on the arms and legs. If you’re Asian, Hispanic, or African-American, you must especially guard against melanoma on your palms, soles, between your fingers and toes, and beneath your nails.
1. Sunscreen
The sun emits two types of ultraviolet light. UVA ages skin, while UVB confers sunburns. To avoid both kinds of sun injury, wear a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen, with SPF 35 or more. Every day, apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outdoors.
Use at least two tablespoons of product, a gob the size of a golf ball or shot glass. Massage sunscreen into bare skin areas, repeating every two hours and immediately after swimming, toweling off, and perspiring.
Only use products that haven’t exceeded their expiration dates. At Georgia Dermatology Center, we carry three high-quality sunscreen brands – EltaMD, SkinMedica, and Revision.
When applying sunscreen, don’t neglect your ears, face, neck, hairline, hair part, and any thinning scalp areas. If you wear sandals, flip-flops, or go barefoot outdoors, remember to slather sunscreen on your feet.
If you have tattoos, target them, too! Tattoo inks heighten sun sensitivity, especially red and yellow colors, due to the cadmium sulfide they contain.
Be sure to cover scars with sunscreen. Otherwise, they can become dark, discolored, or cancerous. On your lips, smooth on balm or lipstick rated at least SPF 30.
2. Protective Clothing
3. Skin-Loving Nutrients
NOTE – While increasing your intake of skin-loving foods, limit sugary and highly processed fare. Refined carbs raise blood sugar and insulin, inflaming skin cells and speeding the aging process.
4. Hydration
For supple skin, drink water throughout the day. To gauge how much you need, divide your weight in half, and convert the pounds to ounces. The result is the volume of water your cells need daily. For instance, a person weighing 150 pounds requires 75 ounces of water each day. Meet your quota with frequent sips from a 16-ounce water bottle, refilling it as needed.
5. Restorative Sleep
Skimping on shut-eye makes skin age prematurely. While you’re in dreamland, your skin is busy repairing itself. Give your cells the time they need by logging at least seven hours of nightly sleep.
6. Alphabet Checklist
Once monthly, examine your skin, eyes peeled for cancer. Using handheld and full-length mirrors, do a head-to-toe assessment. Ask a family member to check obscure areas, such as your scalp, back of your knees, and soles of your feet.
Red flags are a new growth, bleeding mole, or non-healing sore. Use the alphabet rule as your guide, known as the “ABCDE’s of skin cancer.” Here’s what the letters signify:
A = asymmetry, with mismatching halves
B = irregular borders
C = change in color
D = diameter larger than a pencil eraser
E = evolution, showing new characteristics, such as enlarging, bleeding, itching, soreness, scaling, oozing, redness, or swelling.
To monitor changes in suspicious growths, take photos and date them. If any lesions have ABCDE characteristics, promptly make an appointment with Georgia Dermatology Center.
7. Professional Exams
Obtain skin cancer screenings at least twice annually. If you or family members have a skin cancer history, follow the doctor’s recommendation for exam frequency. Early cancer diagnosis and treatment lower the risk of disfigurement and spread.
Dr. Alexander Gross
You can entrust your skin to Alexander Gross, M.D., with 25+ years in the practice of dermatological medicine. For further help reversing the signs of aging, the doctor also performs minimally invasive cosmetic enhancements and cosmetic surgery of the face, neck, and eyelids.
Such treatments can erase discoloration, mend sun damage, brighten skin, banish wrinkles, tone the jaw, trim unwanted fat, and lift sagging skin. Here’s an overview of the cosmetic services Dr. Gross offers.
Serving the Atlanta area, Georgia Dermatology Center and Medical Spa is based in Cumming, convenient to residents of Roswell, Milton, Suwanee, Gainesville, Alpharetta, Sandy Springs, and surrounding towns.
Safeguard your skin against cancer and aging with sunscreen, protective gear, staying hydrated, antioxidants, phytoceramides, omega-3 fats, probiotics, and at least seven hours of nightly sleep. Using the alphabet checklist, examine your skin monthly, showing any suspicious lesions to Dr. Gross. Otherwise, see the doctor twice yearly or at the frequency he advises.
With vigilant protection, you can maintain radiant skin!
Note – The material presented here is solely for educational purposes and cannot replace professional medical advice. For all dermatological concerns, contact Alexander Gross, M.D.
© 2018 Georgia Dermatology Center. All rights reserved.
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