
If you have warts and feel that they are affecting your appearance, and causing you embarrassment, the physicians at Georgia Dermatology Center can give you back your confidence. Warts are small, usually painless non-cancerous skin growths on the skin caused by a type of virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts are usually raised round or oval lesions with a rough texture,but can also be long, flat or smooth. Warts are usually skin colored, although the spot may be lighter or darker than the surrounding skin. In rare circumstances, the wart may be black, or the dark pigment may be located in the very center. The wart may itch or hurt, particularly if located in areas of repeated friction or pressure, such as on the feet or between fingers. Warts can spread from one part of your body to another, and although rare, may be spread from person to person.

Types of Warts

The following are different types and characteristics of warts treated at Georgia Dermatology Center:

  • Common warts: This type of wart usually appears on the hands, but can appear anywhere on the body. They usually appear as tiny, smooth, flesh colored bumps, which evolve into rough lumps. They may reach diameters of about 1/4 inch across, and may develop either individually or in clusters.
  • Flat warts: These small flesh colored or pink bumps, typically with a flat, smooth top, are generally found on the face and back of the hands.
  • Genital warts: These are found in the genital area, originating as tiny bumps and erupting into shapes consistent with common warts.
  • Plantar warts: These warts are located on the soles of the feet. They appears as rough, flattened, callus like growths. There may be a small black dot in the center where the “root” is. This is the most painful type of wart, as it is under constant pressure and tendency for rubbing. It may become tender, lead to a change in posture, leg pain, back pain, and general discomfort.

Georgia Dermatology Center offers several in office treatments including cryotherapy or freezing, chemical treatments, and surgical removal. In spite of all the treatment options available, there is a 30% chance of the warts returning. Warts may also spontaneously resolve.

Patients should stay consistent with treatment for warts. Avoid scratching, as warts contain viral particles that can be spread to other areas of the body.

References: www.aad.org