
Rosacea is a facial condition where you may see redness across your nose and cheeks, have acne like breakouts, or just feel your skin is becoming more sensitive. If so, you may have developed this very common skin condition. Millions of people across America have this condition. Some cases may be mild and other cases so severe that it begins to cause abnormalities of the skin. It affects people of all ages and skin color.  Literature shows that it is more common in women, but can affect men more severely. Should you exhibit the signs or symptoms of rosacea, Dr. Alexander Gross is a board certified dermatologist who has treated thousands of patients for this skin condition.  He will provide a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan.

Signs and symptoms of rosacea

papulopustular rosacea, close-up of the patient’s cheek

Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that causes redness, flushing and swelling on the face. While the cause is still unknown, certain triggers can cause it to flare up. Emotional stresses, anxiety, and even changes in the weather can aggravate the condition. Other factors may include exercise, alcohol consumption, and spicy foods. There are several types of rosacea, which increase in severity the longer treatment of the condition is deferred. Symptoms include:

  • Persistent redness on the nose and cheeks, often chin and forehead
  • Increased visibility of small blood vessels
  • Consistent redness after exercise, hot drinks, caffeinated beverages or alcohol
  • Small red pimples which look similar to acne
  • Textural changes of the skin (mainly nose and chin)

Another form of this condition is ocular rosacea which affects the eyes. Symptoms may include eyes being watery or visibly bloodshot and they may feel like they have sand or grit in them. Also,  the eyes may burn, sting, and itch. Your vision may be affected as well and be sensitive to light. This condition needs to be addressed and treated to prevent damage to your eyesight. You may be referred to an ophthalmologist to manage your ocular rosacea.

Treatment Options

Early diagnosis from our board certified dermatologist at Georgia Dermatology Center is the best defense against rosacea. BBL or Broad Band Light is one of the best treatments for minimizing the symptoms. Delay in treatment may result in more severe symptoms that are harder to treat.  Other treatment options may be determined after an examination.

Rosacea can be treated effectively and managed appropriately to the severity of the condition. However, there is no “cure”  and treatment protocols can be tried and altered according to the patient’s condition.

