Preventive Skin Care

5 Tips for Outdoor Sun Safety

It's no longer just a good idea to practice outdoor sun safety. It's mandatory! Be extra careful to practice outdoor…

5 years ago

For Skin That Looks Sweet, Avoid Sugar

It’s that most wonderful time of the year again, where holiday cookies, cups of hot chocolate, and pounds of fruit…

6 years ago

Protect Your Skin From Aging and Cancer

Is your skin giving a false impression of your age? Without protective measures, skin injury can make you look older…

6 years ago

Indoor Tanning – The Ugly Truth

Has someone told you that indoor tanning is safe because it’s not really like the sun? The truth is that…

6 years ago

Ways to Zap Summer Skin Damage

Even if you were really careful and used lots of sun screen while outdoors this summer, chances are you still…

8 years ago

Winter Skin – Go Away!

Winter is just about over – Yeah! Signs of spring are in the air as trees begin to bloom, daffodils…

9 years ago

“Rules & Tools” – Tips for Better Skin Care

At Georgia Dermatology Center our total purpose and focus is on our patient’s skin. We want your skin to be…

10 years ago

Get That Sun-Kissed Glow Without Sun Exposure

Almost everyone warms to the look of a sun-kissed spring glow. Today’s active man or woman can now achieve the…

10 years ago

Skin Cancer Prevention: 3 Tips

Warmer weather has arrived, which usually means spending more time outside in the sun. It is important to protect your…

10 years ago

New Year, New Skin

As another year comes to a close here in Atlanta, Georgia, it’s that time when most of us set some…

11 years ago